The PATAMIL project encourages collaboration between academic partners and civil society players.

Frame 61

The partners : 

  • The 4 field laboratories are highlighted in purple: Pondichery, Jawadhu Hills, Pays des Châteaux, PETR Centre-Cher.
  • The PATAMIL resource and dissemination centres are highlighted in red: Maduraï, Centre Sciences and Centraider.
  • Indian partners in green: University of Pondichery, French Institute of Pondichery, Dhan Foundation, University of Madras
  • The Centre Val de Loire Region partners in yellow: RESOLIS and IEHCA
  •  the region’s three research laboratories in orange: CEDETE, CITERE, GEHCO
  • A.S.I.E. has been given a specific colour because it operates both in India as a link with the DHAN Foundation and in the Centre Val de Loire Region with Centre Sciences.

The main partners

A much larger network